Revolutionizing Tank Venting with our PVC vent unit.

The Ultimate Solution for Ground and Elevated Storage Tanks.
AIM Sales PVC tank vent unit
Background image showing technical drawing specs of patented PVC tank vent

We are AIM Sales

Efficient Tank Venting Solutions for a Safer Industrial World - Built to Last by Experts.

Welcome to AIM Sales! With years of experience in municipal storage tank services, we are excited to introduce our newest product line of custom patented Vent units for storage tanks. Our focus has now expanded to provide custom patented Vent units to meet the specific needs of our clients, and as a small family-owned business, we prioritize quality to ensure customer satisfaction.

Our team of experts has designed and manufactured Vent units that cater to different tank sizes and types, and our product range has undergone extensive testing to ensure they are durable, reliable, and perform optimally. At AIM, we take pride in delivering products that meet our client’s expectations and requirements.

When you choose AIM for your custom patented Vent units, we offer a thorough consultation to understand your needs and provide a tailored solution. Our team is committed to providing the best customer service, and we are always available to answer any questions about our products.

Our PVC Tank Vent

The AIM Tank Vent - Your Solution for Safe and Efficient Tank Venting.

Introducing our patented custom-manufactured PVC Vent - the perfect solution for your above-ground and elevated storage tanks commonly found in the city and rural facilities. Our PVC vent has been designed with your specific needs in mind and offers a range of features to ensure optimal performance.

Our patented PVC Vent features a bolt-on application that makes installation a breeze. In addition, the bird screen included with the vent ensures that no unwanted debris or animals enter your tank, keeping your stored materials clean and safe. Our product also features thick gussets that add to the structural integrity of the vent, making it durable and long-lasting.

Because AIM is committed to delivering innovative solutions that meet our client's expectations and requirements, our patented custom-manufactured PVC Vent has undergone extensive testing to ensure that it is reliable, durable, and performs optimally. At AIM, we take pride in delivering products tailored to our client's needs.

What's the purpose of a tank vent?

The purpose of a tank vent for industrial water tanks is to allow air to flow in and out of the tank, thereby maintaining a safe and stable pressure inside the tank. As the water level in the tank changes, the air inside the tank must be able to expand or contract to prevent the tank from collapsing or bursting. A tank vent also allows for the release of any excess pressure that may build up inside the tank due to temperature changes or other factors. In addition, tank vents can help prevent the buildup of harmful gases and fumes inside the tank, thereby promoting a safer working environment for employees.

AIM Sales PVC tank vent unit on floor in warehouse
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Get more info about our patented custom-manufactured PVC Vent for your above-ground and elevated storage tanks. Experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your storage tanks are safe, clean, and protected by a quality patented product made in the USA.